1·Methods Among the 4 patients with intractable pain, 2 had cancer pain, 2 had failed back syndrome.
2·A proud and Stoic man, he was admitted to the hospital for intractable pain from widely spread cancer.
3·Conclusion Treatment of intractable pain of wrist joint by denervation is mainly indicated in wrist pain at dorsal side.
4·Objective To discuss the mechanism, procedures and effect of implantable intrathecal infusion system for intractable pain therapy.
5·Objective: To evaluate clinical application of treatment for intractable pain of compression fracture of osteoporosis with nuclein 89sr.
6·Objective To detect the therapeutic effects of destruction of celiac ganglion on patients with pancreatic carcinoma with intractable pain.
7·Deep brain stimulation is mainly used to treat patients with Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, as well as a variety of patients with intractable pain.
8·Doctors report that about twenty million people suffer from serious headaches, and ten percent of these have intractable pain–meaning it doesn’t go away.
9·Objective: To explore the regulative effects on t lymphocyte subtypes with chemical impairment of celiac ganglion in patients with pancreatic carcinoma and intractable pain.
10·Conclusion Neurolytic celiac plexus block guided by ultrasonography is a safe and effective modality in the management of intractable pain resulted from advanced abdominal malignancies.